
Beacon was built following BigCommerce best practices with a design that is both simple and flexible, but also feature-rich and production-ready. The theme is easily customized using the Page Builder.

Configuration Options

To change your active Theme or to configure your current Theme: Go to Storefront › My Themes in my store. Clicking the "Customize" button will take you to the Page Builder, where you can customize the selected theme without having to write any code.

Within the Page Builder, selecting the "Theme Styles" option from the left-hand menu will present you with the following options for customization.


Need assistance with our theme? Contact us for support at

Recommended Image Sizes

We've put together general recommendations for creating and uploading imagery to your theme. The numbers below indicate width by height in pixels (px).

Store Logo

Homepage Carousel

Featured Category Banners
Row of 3 banners under homepage carousel = 350x160 per banner.

Brand Logos

Blog Images

Product Images
BigCommerce recommends product images at least 1028x1028px.


Theme Styles are preset combinations of colors, fonts, and settings which allow you to quickly change the overall look and feel of the site. Beacon comes with a unique Bold style.


Background and lines
Banner background Changes the background color that appears behind text on a banner
Page background Changes the background color of the overall site. It does not change the color of the header or footer backgrounds
Primary line Changes the color of lines that divide header, footer and product description
Common dark background The color of the overlay when using quick view
Modal overlay background Changes the color of dark backgrounds such as the block that appears when a shopper adds a product to the cart
Alert popup box background color Changes the color of popup messages and alerts
Horizontal lines Color of lines that divide header, footer and product description
Text & links
Body text font family Font face to use for body text
Body text font size Font size to use for body text
Body text color Color of the filled portion of the spinner
Body text hover color Affects the color of text, such as Logo Text, when you hover a cursor over it
Secondary text color Changes the color of text used as subtitles, such as the links in the footer, the price of the product on the home page, and category breadcrumbs
Secondary text hover color Affects the color of text such as the text in the footer when a cursor hovers over it
Link color Hyperlinks created on webpages will have this color
Link hover color The color displayed when a cursor hovers over a link
Link active color The color that displays when a user clicks a link. This may display quickly and may not appear at all on some browsers.
Heading font family Select the font face to use for all headings
Heading 1 Changes the size of large titles, such as the title of a Category or the Featured Product section on the home page
Heading 2 Changes the size of h2 headings, such as the price on a product’s page
Heading 3 Changes the size of h3 headings, such as heading text within a web page or product description
Heading 4 Changes the size of h4 text, such as heading text within a web page or product description
Heading 5 Changes the size of h5 text, such as product names, top navigation, Carousel button text, and Related Products tab
Heading 6 Changes the size of h6 text, such as the titles of options
Heading text color Affects the size and style of text found on the body of pages, including product descriptions, product prices on the storefront page and the account links in the upper right corner of the page
Loading Indicators
Page loading bar Color of the loading bar
Spinner light half Color of the empty portion of the spinner
Spinner dark half Color of the filled portion of the spinner
Modal loading background Color of the loading overlay
Product thumbnail loading background Color that appears while a thumbnail image loads
Image Loading
Lazyloading Mode Changes the "lazyloading" strategy for images across the site. Options are:
  • Lazyload
  • Lazyload with LQIP (default)
  • Disabled
Hide breadcrumbs Toggle showing/hiding the navigation "breadcrumbs" on pages across the site
Hide page heading Toggle showing/hiding page headings across the site
Hide category page heading Toggle showing/hiding Category page headings
Hide blog page heading Toggle showing/hiding Blog page headings
Hide contact us page heading Toggle showing/hiding the page heading on the Contact Us page
Display style Select to display in a grid or a list
Size of images Set it to either optimize for the theme or with user-specified dimensions
Price Ranges Show the range of prices (lowest and highest) for products with variants
Purchase options Hide prices and add to cart buttons unless shoppers are logged in
Form input fields
Label text color Changes the color of the form labels that appear above text boxes or product option selections
Field text color The color of text that appears inside a text box or drop-down menu
Field background Color that appears behind the text in a drop-down menu or text box
Field background disabled Color of a choice when it’s not selectable
Field border Color of the border around drop down menus, text boxes and rectangle multiple-choice buttons
Field border active Color of the border around drop down-menus, text boxes and rectangle multiple-choice buttons when you click to enter text or make a choice

Header & Footer

Header background Color that appears behind the logo
Phone Number
Show Phone Number Toggle showing/hiding company phone number in the header
Phone Number Label Label that appears next to the company phone number in the header
Phone Number The company phone number displayed in the header
Logo position Aligns the logo left, center or right along the header. Affects both image and text logos.
Logo image size Adjust the size of the logo to be the Original (as uploaded), Optimized for the theme, or Specify Dimensions. If Specify Dimensions is selected, two boxes for max height and width will appear, allowing you to enter dimensions. When you enter either dimension, it will automatically adjust the opposite dimension to maintain the image’s original aspect ratio. The Optimized option’s size is 200 x 100 pixels.
Logo font size Size of the font used for text logo
Logo text color Color of the font used for text logo
Utility navigation
Text color Color of the top-right links including Search, Login and Cart
Text hover color Color of the top right links when a cursor hovers over them
Cart dropdown background Color of the drop-down when Cart is clicked
Cart dropdown border Color of border around the drop-down when Cart is clicked
Cart counter background Color of the icon that appears next to the Cart link when an item is added
Main navigation
Hide links to web pages Toggles the visibility of web page links from the category navigation menu
Text color Color of the top navigation text
Text hover color Color of the top navigation text when a cursor is put over them
Dropdown menu background Color of the drop-down when a category has subcategories
Dropdown menu border Color of border around the drop-down when a category has subcategories
Dropdown menu display mode Sets the display Simple (display depth of 3) or Alternate (display depth of 8)
Quick search background Color of the background of the quick search area (appears when you click search in the header)
Social media icons
Show social media icons Display social media icons in the header
Footer placement Display on the left or right of the footer or remove them all together
Footer background Color of the background in the footer
Display settings
Show “Powered by BigCommerce” Toggle the link back to
Show brands in footer Show links to brands in the footer
Show ©, current year and store name Toggle the copyright details in the footer
Payment icons
American Express, Discover, Mastercard, PayPal, Visa Enable or disable card and/or PayPal icons
Apple Pay button color This allows you to set the color style for Apple Pay button. The Apple Pay button only displays on certain browsers.
GeoTrust SSL
SSL common name Enter your SSL Common Name for a GeoTrust SSL seal that appears in the footer. The common name is the domain name you entered when purchasing the SSL certificate. If you purchased through BigCommerce see Account Dashboard for more information.
Seal size Change the size of the seal displayed in the footer to Medium or Small

Home Page

Show carousel Toggle the carousel on or off
Show carousel arrows Toggle the carousel arrows on or off
Allow image to stretch on large screens Prevents cropping of large carousel images if the viewing screen is wider than 1261 pixels
Content background Color of the box overlay on the Carousel
Header text Color of the large text on the Carousel
Description text Color of the smaller text on the Carousel
Indicator Color of the empty dot below the Carousel if there is more than one slide
Indicator active Color of the full dot below the Carousel if there is more than one slide
Indicator background Color of the box behind the dots below the carousel if there is more than one slide
Arrow Color of the left and right arrows if there is more than one slide
Arrow background Color of the box behind the arrows if there is more than one slide
Arrow border Color of the border of the box behind the arrows if there is more than one slide
Featured Categories
Category ID's Input your category IDs separated by a comma. Categories will display in order listed automatically. Example: 3,1,2. How to find a category ID.
Number of Featured Products How many featured products to display on the home page, or disable this feature
Number of Most Popular Products How many most popular products to display on the home page, or disable this feature
Number of New Products How many new products to display on the home page, or disable this feature


Product sale badges
Show product sale badges Display style of the sale badge
Display settings
Show quickview button on product cards Toggle the quickview feature
Show quantity selection on product pages Toggle the quantity selector
Show product description tabs Show Product descriptions under a tabbed area or directly on the page
Product custom fields in tabs Show Product custom fields under a tabbed area or directly on the page
Product custom fields tab label Tab label for product custom fields
Show product weight Display the product's entered shipping weight
Show product dimensions Display the shipping dimensions for the product
Show “Shop by price” in filters Show the shop by price feature
Show product reviews Show the product reviews on product pages and cards
Number of reviews on product page Number of reviews displayed below the product description
Wishlist dropdown background Color of the dropdown menu background when Add to Wish List is clicked
Number of products displayed
Category page Number of products that appear on one page in a category
Brand page Number of products that appear on one page on a brand page
Search result page Number of products that appear on one page of search results
Product page (related products) Number of related products displayed below the product description
Product page (customers also viewed products) Number of Customers Also Viewed products displayed below the product description
Category Page
Show Category Image Show category image on category pages
Product cards
Product header text color Color of the product’s title when viewed on the home page, category page, or search result
Product header text hover color Color of the product's title when you hover a cursor over it
Button text color Text color of the buttons, such as Add to Cart or Quick View, that appear when you hover over the product image
Button background Background color of the buttons, such as Add to Cart or Quick View, that appear when you hover over the product image
Product cards (quick search)
Background color Color behind the text with the product’s title and price
Border color Color of the border around the product
Text hover color Color of the text when the cursor hovers over the product card
Image sizes
Main product images This is the size of the main product image on a product’s page. See our article on Adjusting Store Image Sizes for more information on adjusting product image sizes.
Thumbnail image in product page Size of the thumbnail images that appear on the product page
Thumbnail image in cart and other pages Size of the thumbnail images that appear in the cart
Zoomed image Size of the zoomed images throughout the site
Image in gallery view Size of product images when they appear on the category page, brand page, or search results
Brand image in gallery view Size of the brand image when viewed on the brands page
Product swatch images Size for swatch options images

Buttons & Icons

Primary action button
Button text color Color of the text inside the button
Button text hover color Color of the text in the button when you hover a cursor over it
Button text active color Color of the text in the button when you click on it
Button background Color of the button behind the text
Button background hover Color of the button behind the text when you hover a cursor over it
Button background active Color of the button behind the text when you click on it
Secondary action button
Button text color Color of the text inside the button
Button text hover color Color of the button behind the text
Button text active color Color of the text in the button when you click on it
Button border Color of the line around the button
Button border hover Color of the line around the button when you hover a cursor over it
Button border active Color of the line around the button when you click on it
Tertiary action button
Button background Color of the “sort by” filter selector/drop-down
Button arrow icon Color of the arrow in the “sort by” filter selector/drop-down
Disabled button
Button text color Color of the text inside the disabled button
Button background Color of the button behind the text
Button border Color of the border around the button
Social media icon Color of social media icons in the footer
Social media icon hover Color displayed when the cursor hovers over a social media icon
Star review icon (full) Color of the star icons that are empty in a star rating display
Star review icon (empty) Color of the star icon rating that gets counted
Increase/decrease button Color of the quantity change buttons
Checkboxes and radio buttons
Checkbox and radio icon Color of the checkmark on checkboxes, or the dot on radio buttons
Button background Color of the box behind the check mark or radio dot
Button border Color of the border around the checkbox/radio button


Use background image Check this box to upload an image to display behind the logo. Recommended dimensions are 1000 x 400 pixels.
Background color Color that appears behind the logo
Header text color Color of header text if using a text logo
Header border Color of the border around the header
Logo type Add an image for your logo. By default, it will inherit the settings from the Logo tab.
Logo position Moves the logo to the left, center or right side of the header.
Discount banner
Banner background Color of Automatic Promotion notifications (set up in Marketing)
Banner text color Color of the text in Automatic Promotion notifications
Banner icon Color of the icon that appears in Automatic Promotion notifications
Order summary box
Box background Color of the order summary box background
Box border Color of the border around the order summary box
Checkout steps
Icon background Color of the circle behind the icon/number
Icon border Color of the border of the circle around the icon/number
Icon text color Color of the icon/number in the step
Heading 1 font family Font face for h1 text
Heading 1 text color Color of h1 text
Heading 2 font family Font face for h2 text
Heading 2 text color Color of h2 text
Page background Color of the page background
Focus color Color of the focused/selected field on the checkout form
Body text and links
Body text font family Font face for the text that appears on the checkout page
Body text color Color of the text that appears on the checkout page
Secondary text font family Font face of text that is not a title, label or informational text
Secondary text color Color of text that is not a title, label or informational text
Link font family Font face for text links that appear on the checkout page
Link color Color for text links that appear on the checkout page
Link hover color Color of text links when you hover a cursor over it
Primary action button
Button text font family Font face for buttons
Button text color Color of the text inside these buttons
Button text hover color Color of the text in the button when you hover a cursor over it
Button text active color Color of the text when the button is clicked. This usually displays very quickly, and may not appear in all browsers
Button text disabled color Color of the text when the button is disabled
Button background Color of the button behind the text
Button background hover Color of the button behind the text when you hover a cursor over it
Button background active Color of the button behind the text when you click on it
Button background disabled Color of the button behind the text when disabled
Button border Color of the line around the button
Button border hover Color of the line around the button when you hover a cursor over it
Button border active Color of the line around the button when you click on it
Button border disabled Color of the line around the button when disabled
Secondary action button
Button text font family Font face for buttons
Button text color Color of the text inside these buttons
Button text hover color Color of the text in the button when you hover a cursor over it
Button text active color Color of the text when the button is clicked. This usually displays very quickly, and may not appear in all browsers
Button background Color of the button behind the text
Button background hover Color of the button behind the text when you hover a cursor over it
Button background active Color of the button behind the text when you click on it
Button border Color of the line around the button
Button border hover Color of the line around the button when you hover a cursor over it
Button border active Color of the line around the button when you click on it
Form input fields
Label text color Color of the form labels that appear above text boxes or product option selections
Field text color Color of text that appears inside a text box or drop-down menu
Field placeholder text color Color of example text that appears inside a text box or drop-down menu before the user starts typing
Field error text color Color of the error label text when a user attempt to submit the form without completing all required fields
Field background Color that appears behind the text in a drop-down menu or text box
Field inner shadow Color of the shadow next to the field border
Field border Color of the border around drop down menus, text boxes and rectangle multiple-choice buttons
Checkbox button background Color of checkboxes and payment method indicator
Form checklist
Background color Color of the background for payment methods
Form background Color of the active/selected payment method
Form header text color Color of payment method name text (if not a logo)
Form border color Color of the borders around payment methods
Loading toaster
Toaster background Color of behind the text on the loading notification
Toaster text color Color of the text on the loading notification


Release Notes

3.0.0 (11/15/24)


  • Theme works with non-B2B stores
  • Improved design of the PLP
  • Updates to Buyer Portal compatibility 

Bug Fixes

  • Quick view
    • B2B stores can now use add to the list in quick view
    • B2B stores “Choose Options” will open in a modal
    • In Buyer Portal Themes, Add to Cart will now open the cart modal
    • Fixed Picklist pricing labels when clicking “Choose Options” from the PLP
  • PDP
    • Pricing now reflects quantity price breaks
    • Add to Quote now shows on PDP
    • Fixed add to cart and add to list placement inconsistencies
  • Add to list
    • If not logged in it will redirect you to the login page before allowing you to save to list
    • Fix for modal not loading pervious lists
    • Personal accounts can add to list correctly now
  • Theme styling
    • Under Icons, the Increase/decrease button icon used to set QTY arrows on PDP and Cart
    • Fixed PDP accordion color
  • Cart page
    • Removed text if PayPal and other payments are not available in the cart
    • Save all to Quote button added to the cart page
  • Reviews now work with the buyer portal
  • Text widget fixed allowing editing on category/content pages in Page Builder
  • Fixed blurry images on featured Categories on the homepage
  • View cart now shows in B2B themes
  • Fixed bug where “add to cart” is shown but it should be “choose options”


  • Theme Style updates
    • new theme style for Increase/decrease button color to set the background color.
    • new theme style for Increase/decrease button border color to set the border color.
    • New theme setting to allow sub-links on content pages to be hidden
    • New theme setting to allow cart color to be changed
    • New theme setting to hide blog on the homepage
    • New theme setting to hide featured categories on the homepage
    • New theme setting to for the header and footer added
    • Theme setting added for nested content pages
  • Mini cart styling updates

2.0.0 (4/3/2024)


  • Shopping List Improvements
  • Allow for more than 3 featured categories to show on homepage
  • Show drop-down menu on hover
  • Added Search within Category
  • Allow admin to choose grid vs list view for search and category page in Page Builder
  • Typing exact  Sku into Search takes user to Product Page
  • Allow for more options on how many products are loaded on PLP & Search Pages
  • Replaced tabs on product page with accordion layout
  • Improved list view search/category design
  • Replaced Pagination with Load More on Search and Category Pages
  • Added link to phone number in header

Bugs Fixes

  • Header & Footer Theme Stylings

1.0.1-rc1 (06-02-2023)

- Adjusted add to cart button styling on product pages.

Image(s) used under license from